Apr 19, 2016

Contrail R3.0 Manual installation on ubuntu(12)

Operation check

Check Contrail status.

1.Check Controller
Execute "contrail-status", then confirm whether Contrail runs well.
It's good work if Status shows either "active" or "backup".
** contrail-device-manager,contrail-schema,contrail-svc-monitor show "Active" only one of three server.
== Contrail Control ==
supervisor-control:           active
contrail-control              active              
contrail-control-nodemgr      active              
contrail-dns                  active              
contrail-named                active              

== Contrail Analytics ==
supervisor-analytics:         active
contrail-alarm-gen            active              
contrail-analytics-api        active              
contrail-analytics-nodemgr    active              
contrail-collector            active              
contrail-query-engine         active              
contrail-snmp-collector       active              
contrail-topology             active              

== Contrail Config ==
supervisor-config:            active
contrail-api:0                active              
contrail-config-nodemgr       active              
contrail-device-manager       backup              
contrail-discovery:0          active              
contrail-schema               active              
contrail-svc-monitor          backup              
ifmap                         active              

== Contrail Web UI ==
supervisor-webui:             active
contrail-webui                active              
contrail-webui-middleware     active              

== Contrail Database ==
contrail-database:            active
supervisor-database:          active
contrail-database-nodemgr     active              
kafka                         active              

== Contrail Support Services ==
supervisor-support-service:   active
rabbitmq-server               active    

2.Check ď˝–Router
Execute "contrail-status" as well, Confirm it.
== Contrail vRouter ==
supervisor-vrouter:           active
contrail-vrouter-agent        active              
contrail-vrouter-nodemgr      active  

3.Check WebUI
Open "http://Contrail1:8080/" by Web browser, then login by admin user.
Dashboard shows number of nodes. If there is no alarm or error, Contrail works well.
Please make sure actual traffic to create Virtual-machine and Virtual-network.


  1. Can you please also provide steps to build and install contrail from source code.

    1. Hi Ravi,
      Compiling Contrail is too hard to explain. Instead of that, I will provide steps to install by ppa. Is it helpful for you?

    2. Hi Daisuke-san,

      Thank you very much for replying.
      I am trying to explore and understand contrail architecture.
      Currently facing some issues in provisioning compiled opencontrail.
      Can you please help me to resolve this. If you don't mind, can I share details over email ?

    3. Hi, Ravi-san,
      I'm sorry for delay response. I don't have enough experience to compile contrail.
      Could you send your question to Contrail mailing list? http://lists.opencontrail.org/mailman/listinfo
